Haven - “Breeze”
TV stills 2023

In late summer last year, Haven approached us with a brief to capture stills for use in campaign assets alongside their upcoming new TV ad, “Breeze”. This was a huge production by Various Films for Haven’s strategic creative agency Platform London, shot at Hafan y Mor holiday park in Wales in September.

We put together an agile team of 6 people, and worked alongside the TV production crew to capture stills not only of the scenes from the film, but any additional stills we could find using extras and hero talent when they were not being used. It was a challenge but the images speak for themselves, and despite the early starts we had a great time!

”Breeze” by Platform London & Various Films
Photography by Jono Blackham

  • Stills photography: agile production team including creative and art direction, photography, props and set dressing for stills, floor management and post-production.

  • Stills art direction, props, set dressing and production by Liz & Matt at marmalade.

    Creative agency:
    Platform London

    TV Production:
    Various Films

    Jono Blackham

This shoot was
an absolute ‘Breeze’…

This is the final edit of the 60” TV spot ‘Breeze’ which aired on Boxing Day last year.

You’ll notice the characters in the ad appear across the stills below, and you’ll also see some different characters and locations - whenever we could we snuck off with extras or hero talent to other locations to capture as much as we possibly could whilst the TV crew were setting up and shooting elsewhere.

Experts at hiding in the bushes

It’s never easy being the stills team on a TV production, particularly when shooting on location in a busy park like Haven, as the schedules are so packed and timings so tight that separate time for stills is often hard to fit in. So our agile team got very familiar with hiding on set somewhere in the bushes, shooting away whilst the TV shoot was in full swing, and ready to jump into action when the director called ‘cut’. We were really happy with the breadth of shots we managed to capture over the three shoot days, with a variety of different models and scenarios thanks to the excellent casting and planning from Various Films.


Costa Coffee x Haven Holidays Brand Content